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Walking the Camino Francés - Coming Soon

Experience the Waytrails Camino Way beyond just following it. Let us lead you through 1000 years of history and captivating stories taking you into Santiago.

What You’ll See on the Camino Francés

Dotted with charming towns and villages steeped in history, you will see medieval architecture, cobbled streets, and ancient churches and monasteries. You will get a glimpse into the region's rich history and culture.

The Camino Francés is the most popular trail, often filled with a lively atmosphere, companionship and anticipation for the end.

Notable places if you're only doing the last 100km of Camino Francés

Sarria: A popular starting point for many walking the last 100km and you'll notice it might be busier. Sarria is known for its medieval architecture, including its 13th-century fortress and the Church of Santa Mariña.

Portomarin: This town is home to the Church of San Juan, a magnificent 12th-century Romanesque church that was moved stone by stone to its current location when the Mino River was dammed to create a reservoir.

Palas de Rei: An ancient town dating back to Roman times, Palas de Rei features medieval bridges and churches, including the Church of San Tirso.

Melide: Known for its rich gastronomy, Melide offers a chance to indulge in must-try specialties, such as pulpo (octopus) and empanadas (savory pastries).

Arzúa: This town is famous for its production of delicious local cheese, the traditional Arzúa-Ulloa.

O Pedrouzo: Located just before Santiago de Compostela, O Pedrouzo offers its beautiful surroundings and village charm.

rafael furtado Santiago de Compostela

Accommodation - Where to stay on the Camino Francés

Albergues are popular due to their affordability. They usually offer dormitory-style rooms with shared facilities. Private hostels, guesthouses, and hotels provide more privacy and comfort, often with private rooms and ensuite bathrooms. It's essential to book in advance during busy periods. 

Difficulty and terrain

The trail is generally moderate, with some hilly sections that can be challenging for less experienced walkers. The route includes a mix of paved roads, gravel paths, and natural trails, requiring good physical condition and appropriate footwear. Poles are beneficial.

When to walk the Camino Francés

The optimal time is typically during spring (April to June) for pleasant temperatures or autumn (September to October) for cooler weather and fewer crowds.